Massage Therapy


The benefits of Massage

  • Alleviate low back pain and improve range of motion.

  • Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays.

  • Ease dependence on medication.

  • Enhance the body’s natural defense system by stimulating lymph flow and increasing immunity.

  • Stretch weak, tight, or atrophied muscles.

  • Help athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from, strenuous workouts.

  • Improve condition the skin.

  • Increase joint flexibility.

  • Lessen depression and anxiety.

  • Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks.

  • Improve circulation by pumping oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs.

  • Reduce post-surgical adhesions and swelling.

  • Reduce muscle spasms and cramping.

  • Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.

  • Release endorphins—amino acids that work as the body’s natural painkiller.

  • Relieve migraine pain.

  • Enhance sleep quality.

  • Increase energy levels and decrease fatigue.


Increase the benefits with frequent visits

Getting a massage can do you a world of good, and with frequency the benefits are long-lasting. Taking part in this form of regularly scheduled self-care can play a huge part in how healthy you’ll be and how youthful you’ll remain with each passing year.

Budgeting time and money for bodywork at consistent intervals is truly an investment in your health. Consider massage appointments a necessary piece of your health and wellness plan, and work with your practitioner to establish a treatment schedule that best meets your needs.